Life · Work

The Earth never stops spinning, so you should keep moving, too!

Reading is still one of the most powerful tool we have to build our skill, and that’s also why I love to read Medium posts everday in order to learn new things. Some quotes worth to share with you. If you steal knowledge, it will be with you until your last breath. Read a new… Continue reading The Earth never stops spinning, so you should keep moving, too!


Want to keep OneDrive 15GB for free? Follow this…

Microsoft is busy working on Windows 10 these days and at the meantime, they try to reconnect those potential users who use office a lot but yet to upgrade to the latest services, no matter their Windows OS or Office 365. However, this free service is not giving for “nothing”, the users have to manually… Continue reading Want to keep OneDrive 15GB for free? Follow this…


1 question for yourself when you are rejected in job searching

We might be throng this same situation, hundred of resumes were sent, but there was nothing what we expected. Then we got frustrated, almost giving up and started spreading it out like a crazy. We should do something more or just something we do wrong? After reading this post by Nina, I have different thought. I… Continue reading 1 question for yourself when you are rejected in job searching


3 Steps get you Stress-Free in just 10 mins

Follow my blog with Bloglovin I am a big fan of Tim Ferriss (@tferriss), and I get lots of inspiration from his podcast that he interviews successful people from hedge fund managers, athletes, and my favourite, entrepreneurs. Those people may have different mindset and life style, but one thing similar is, They meditate.  For more practice… Continue reading 3 Steps get you Stress-Free in just 10 mins

Life · Work

A Notebook fills with gratitude

Adecco Taiwan  李奧貝納集團執行長黃麗燕曾發給員工一人一本小冊子,但她不是要員工把好的創意記錄下來,而是要每個人寫上令自己幸福、愉快、感恩的事情,因為:「每天把碰到的好事寫下來,就是在幫自己打氣,提醒自己有多富有。」 這樣的習慣源自於數年前,她發現真心感謝別人時,不僅會帶給別人快樂,對方的回應更會帶回滿足感,而這種滿足感甚至能延續好幾天,之後工作起來更樂觀、積極,進入正面的循環。 你是否讓生活的忙碌埋沒了發現幸福的能力?你也可以學學黃麗燕執行長,每天隨身攜帶一本筆記本,隨時記錄當下的美好,你將會發現自己原來是個富有的人。 [Original posted by Adecco Taiwan] The CEO of Leo Burnett, Mrs.Huang has given a notebook to all employees to write down everything they feel grateful each day. She says: when you write down those grateful things, you will get courage and find out how rich you are in life.  She has this habit few years… Continue reading A Notebook fills with gratitude


【Quoted from Tim Ferriss’ 5-Bullet Friday】Inspiration in just one post!

Follow my blog with Bloglovin 【This post is quoted from Tim Ferriss’ 5-Bullet Friday】on Aug. 28 Strongly recommend EVERYONE should subscribe his post! It’s totally worth! sign up for the weekly dose! – Music I’m relaxing and jamming to — – Most popular tweet this week — – Purchases I’m excited about — – One year ago,… Continue reading 【Quoted from Tim Ferriss’ 5-Bullet Friday】Inspiration in just one post!